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“We have been competing in the Tournament since before it was a girls-only tournament. Coach Benson has worked tirelessly to expand the tournament while using it as a platform to address social challenges of today’s youth. The BeYOUtiful Classic has become a player-favorite for all of Central Texas and has become one of the premiere tournaments in the state!”
- Keith Allen, Vista Ridge HS

good news

" The Bowie BeYOUtiful Classic represents so much more than a fantastic early season event for these teams to compete. Coach Benson has built it into a unique opportunity for these student-athletes that empowers the girls with experiences and education. It now draws some of top teams in the state and they all leave enriched both on and off the court."
              - Shane Laflin, Premier Basketball Report &      
        McDonalds All American selection committee member
About Us

The purpose of this event is not only to play games, but to raise awareness and offer help
for young female athletes battling mental health.


This event began in November 2012 as the Bowie BeYOUtiful Classic with just 8 teams.  Each year brought new growth to our tournament, and in November 2019, we hosted 32 teams in what has become the kick-off event for girls basketball in central Texas.


Top teams from across the state travel to participate in the weekend.


Through the years we have covered major issues such as eating disorders , self-image, domestic violence, drug and alcohol use among teenagers,  human trafficking, suicide and more.

We recognize the importance of making mental health a priority. THIS  is why we have now brought in our Title Sponsor, Kendra Scott, LLC.  We are thrilled to have Kendra Scott on board to help us impact even more.  The following is a message from our sponsor.  


We believe in a world in which all women and children can live their brightest, healthiest and most empowered lives. And we know that mental health is fundamental to our overall health. But today, more people are suffering from mental health challenges than ever before, isolated by stigma. We are committed to removing that stigma and clearing the way for healing and health.


To empower Americans to make mental wellness a top priority, Kendra Scott is partnering with three outstanding nonprofit organizations to dispel stigma, educate and create more resources for women, children and anyone affected by a mental health challenge.


“Almost every family in America faces a mental health challenge at some point, and my family is no exception. We must remove the stigma and continue to educate ourselves so that we see the signs when someone is struggling and are empowered to offer support. And we can and will save lives by doing so.” - Kendra


In lieu of trophies, we will be working together to donate to three mental health organziations who support individuals and families across the country.  We have chosen the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), The Jed Foundation and Active Minds.  You can learn more about these organizations by visiting our donate tab.


Our goals for the tournament weekend are to educate athletes and coaches about mental health
and to provide resources for them to get help.


In addition, we will host incredible basketball talent!

NAMI of Central Texas, Jed Foundation, Active Minds

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Central Texas envisions a community that addresses mental illness as a health issue and provides the systems, resources and education for all people to achieve recovery.  Through innovative education, support and advocacy programs, they are changing the way our community addresses mental health. For these reasons we have partnered with NAMI.  Please visit NAMI to learn more.

Contact Us

VICKIE BENSON - Bowie High School Girls Basketball Head Coach


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